Many homeowners and resident contemplate whether to buy a traditional alarm or a smart home security system. With many similarities as well as differences, it is understandable that some confusion may arise when trying to make the decision which system to go for. Hence, we thought it would be useful for our readers for us to discuss the prospects in detail so that you have a better understanding of the differences and similarities.
Why Buy a Smart Home Security:
There are several benefits of having a smart home security system installed in your home. Below are just some of the key benefits and perks of the system.
The Same Foundation But With Expanded Ground
When purchasing a smart home security solution you will have the foundation of the traditional alarm system but can expand with home automation features when needed. Therefore, not only will you have the perks of having a traditional alarm system, but with a smart home security system you can have a stronger control over how your home is managed.
The Perks of Add-Ons
Smart home security systems are built on an array of devices. The control is entirely within your grip and hence, you can pick and choose what kind of devices you’d like to have within the system. Order add-on smart home security devices such as electronic deadbolts (locks), thermostat, garage doors, cameras, video doorbell (SkyBell) all-a-cart when desired by simply upgrading to the interactive gold plan or video add-on package.
Have the Entire System Within Your Fingertips
With an basic interactive package you will receive the App, that works for iPhone and Android Smartphones. The app will function like a keypad at your fingertips to arm and disarm your home alarm, view zone status and much more with multiple logins so you can pick and choose the accessibility levels for each individual in the circle.
Be notified on your phone each time your children, cleaning person, dog walker or contractor arrives and disarms the system. This way you will also know whether or not they showed up when they were supposed to and be in control of the situation in case they forget to alarm the system when they leave. You can customize and receive notifications via text, email or push notifications – whatever works for you works for the app.
“Smash-and-Grab” Technology patented “Smash-and-Grab” technology, meaning when the delay door is entered the panel ques the central station immediately to prevent the panel from being ripped off the wall and not communicating to the central station. Traditional security systems do not provide such a feature, leading to system halts and disruptions.
Geo-Locations & Geo-Fence
Enable location services with the solution and you will receive notifications when you have entered a selected geo-fence (virtual fence) 1-10 klms from home. When this happens you may set up the system to send your reminders in case you have forgotten to arm your alarm or left a garage door open. This is fully customizable with your settings on the app.
Limitation of Traditional Home Security
One of the limitations of having a traditional home security system is the fact that automation and control may come at an additional if possible at best. With a traditional home security system your options are limited to arming/disarming with a code onsite, no remote status or a smartphone app. If you want to receive notifications of arming/disarming of the system, you need to pay additional service fees.
No Phone Line Required
With a smart home security system there is no phone line required to monitor your system. You can save money by cancelling your existing phone line, be worry-free when it comes to phone line cutting from potential thieves, and be able to avoid further phone provider hassles that can be caused by phone technicians disconnecting the phone line from the alarm panel.
Benefits of Having a Smart Home Security by
With the smart home security solution you will receive additional services and benefits as the provider grows their security-as-a-service platform. is publicly traded, they use state of the art technology and continually invest in research development. In addition, provides a login portal that allows easy web access to program user codes, manage the account settings and provides access to system operation. Hence, you have more control over the system and needn’t be worried about any changes that you might want to make.
Smart Home Security from SecurU
As security professionals with over 20 years of experience, we have worked with several systems along the years and have come to the conclusion that smart home security solution by has got to be the most exciting and robust one we have seen thus far. Our clients are based in Milton, Oakville and Burlington among other locations and we take great pride in being active members of our communities. If you’d like to know more, please contact us and we’d be more than happy to connect with you!