D-I-Y vs Professional Installed Camera Solutions
Ever since I could remember I have always been fascinated by technology, you could specifically say more into computers. I remember going over to the elementary school library and sitting on the computer that ran Windows 3.1 for hours at a time. I would even go to work with my dad on weekends and help him network a classroom full of computers.
My first job that I really enjoyed was working at one of those big box tech stores. I know it was a retail job, but what I loved about it was selling the latest and greatest technology. I had the chance to play with all the new tablets, laptops and TV’s.
One of the products we sold were the D-I-Y camera kits. At first, I didn’t know much about them or how they worked, all I knew was what I read off the camera kits box and that they never had enough cabling sold in the box.
Customers would always end up buying the spool of cable that was sold separately. The one thing that I notice the most was that customers did not want to fish wire throughout their home or had the knowledge to do so.
At the end of the day, the product would either be returned to the store or the customer made an attempt at the wiring and would come to us for some type of support following the setup.
After a year of working there and building up my product knowledge on the camera kits, our company decided to offer installation services for these D-I-Y camera kits. At first, I thought to myself that this was a great idea and it would help the customers out that we offered this type of service. Boy was I wrong!
A few weeks later after being trained on the products and services that we offered for these installs of the D-I-Y camera kits, I would find myself avoiding talking about the products and would stay closer to the TVs and laptops. The reason for this was I couldn’t stand behind selling a video camera kit that I didn’t believe in.
The training that we had, gave me some clarity on these products, and how they should be used. The one question that kept going through my head was “why would someone buy this DIY camera system in a box and then go pay 4x the price just to have it installed?” this did not make any sense then, but it was something that we were instructed to sell.
I can tell you that after a few months of having this new service available, I started to notice that the area with all our security products was starting to have less and less traffic. We would have the occasional customer come in and would ask a few questions about the camera kits, but once we would start talking about install prices they would either buy the kit and plan on installing it on their own or they would just walk out of the store with disappointment on their face. This was something I could never get over.
Many years and a few jobs later, I find myself working at this amazing security company with a great atmosphere called SecurU and I am not just saying that cause its my first career, I am saying it because I stand behind and believe in the products and services we offer. I started at SecurU as a sales rep selling alarm.com smart home solutions and now I am working as help desk and haven’t looked back.
One of the products and services that we offer at SecurU is our TruVision HD camera bundles which are similar to the D-I-Y camera kits that I used to sell at the retails store but the biggest difference is that the cameras are of much better quality, only sold as a professionally installed solution and the company stands behind the installation with a a 3-year hardware and labour warranty.
The TruVision 2.0 or 4.0 megapixel HD cameras are much better quality as they are selected by security professionals and are installed by specialists that know how to properly wire and install a camera system with the cameras installed at locations with the best security practices in mind.
One thing that I have learned from a customer’s perspective is not to jump the gun and purchase a DIY camera kit, look at the options that are available, compare prices, look for the support that the company offers with their products. All these are major factors to look at when purchasing a video surveillance system to protect your home and family.